This large linear fixture features both uplight and downlight elements wired in two circuits for separate control. This allows for a high degree of lighting flexibility. Many variations are possible using different ‘heads’, custom spacing, sizes and stem lengths. The fluorescent version has electronic ballasts in the canopies. The uplight hoods can be equipped with up to three compact fluorescent lamp sockets each for high light output.
The hoods are painted white powdercoat, the socket housings are natural cast aluminum, the rest of the fixture is painted silver-gray hammertone powdercoat. Stem up to 36” included with fixture.
Available in ‘A’ with clear glass, ‘B’ with glass sandblasted on the interior or ‘PR’ with prismatic glass. See options page.
Lamping - medium screw base
Down light elements x 4
incandescent: max. 50 watt R20 or 100 watt A19
halogen: max. 50 watt PAR20 or 72 watt A19
fluorescent: max. 14 watt R20/PAR20 or 26 watt A shape/spiral
LED: max. 10 watt R20/PAR20 or 21 watt A shape
Up light elements x 4
incandescent: max. 200 watt A19/A21
halogen: max. 150 watt A19/BT15/EDF
fluorescent: max. 42 watt A shape/spiral
LED: max. 21 watt A shape
Lamping - 4 pin fluorescent (ballasts in canopies)
Down light elements x 4